

Clowns of God.


Faith­ful fol­low­ers unite
to wish away the weak
Call­ing down the clowns of God
to find the sins they seek.

Shame­ful sin­ners con­tem­plate
their bla­tent indis­cre­tion
While mind­less min­ions groom them­selves
to prac­tice grim oppres­sion.


God seems a greedy archi­tect
not sat­is­fied with splen­dour.
Instead He calls my beau­ty home
and foils my best defend­er.


Glo­ry –
To the night sky.
To the stars I used to know.
To every vic­tim left alone.
To tears that ever flow.


Zealots rarely hes­i­tate
when pur­su­ing their obses­sion.
It is their goal to con­se­crate
what­ev­er flees oppres­sion.

First they try to con­fis­cate
each dear­ly held pos­ses­sion.
Then they pon­der ways to sate
their rav­en­ous aggres­sion.