

Fleeting Phrases.


Drunk with pas­sion –

not to men­tion booze.

Pro­fess­ing love,

prone to self-abuse.


Dis­re­gard­ing glances

in polite rebuff.

Rec­og­niz­ing oth­ers

with a trace of lust.


Ver­bal bril­liance –

the right turn of phrase.

Selects a lover –

for some pas­sion plays.



Writ­ten out of time –

and vogue.

Bit­ter prod­uct of mis­for­tune.


Guid­ed by a muse –

too weak.

Dealt out a mea­ger por­tion.


Your every high­way is my tomor­row –

Your open road my brand new day..

And in the morn­ing when I leave you –

Like a mist I’ll fade away.



We can­not recall our feel­ings

nor try to cut them off.

Instead we learn to live with them,

despite their awful cost.


For cer­tain they are pli­able

can often be delayed.

But once their set in motion

Their ran­som will be paid.


Bring back the days of beau­ty

when you spoke to me of Love.

When morn­ing broke the mid­night,

and split the sky above.



I must desert this ragged ship –

move on to brighter seas.

Where sequined sirens lose their will,

unable now to please.


I must dance with the dol­phins now –

then whis­tle with the whales.

While mer­maids cast green curls about,

and wish for more than tails.


I must turn to face the wind

unfurl my glis­ten­ing sails.

Where seabirds soar and cast about,

avoid­ing dark­er gales.



Spin­ning thoughts go tum­bling through self­ish minds.


Oh god, I’ve for­sak­en the Babe –


and the Sky has fall­en clear into the sand.


Turn­ing, I see my peers –


Look­ing most con­cerned yet help­less in their agony,

and indif­fer­ence.


I turn again, then find –




Because the world’s come down –


Crashed in on us with a sin­gle blow.



Why not, feign a lit­tle car­ing?

just for the sake of the chil­dren –

We can go back to schem­ing

Once they’ve gone to sleep.



Over­load –

the socket’s blown.

The light­ning strikes the beat!

What a time to be alone.

Emo­tions hit their peak.

Can’t we just con­tain it?

Store it up some­where?

Or let our brain regain it,

Elec­tri­fy the air!



Give me –

My answer!

Can’t you see it — Pain!

Want me –

Tell me!

Suc­cor me –

End­less my refrain!



Do you see me lit­tle broth­er –

Have you looked into my eyes?

Per­haps I real­ly fooled you –

You greet me with sur­prise.


Do you see me lit­tle broth­er –

Have I betrayed my pain?

Per­haps I sim­ply fright­ened you –

You won­der if I’m sane.


Do you see me lit­tle broth­er –

Have you the tie that binds?

Per­haps I’ve uncon­fused you –

You’ve read between the lines.


Do you see me lit­tle broth­er –

Have you under­stood my plight?

Per­haps I can­not free myself –

To join your whole­some flight.


Do you see me lit­tle broth­er –

Have I told you where I’ve been?

Per­haps I’ll try and twin myself –

One free, one full of sin.

As you lie there in your slum­ber,

my thoughts you’ll nev­er know.

You’ll nev­er hear the thun­der,

nor hear my voice so low.

You won’t feel my soft caress,

move gen­tly down your side.

Nor feel the sting­ing wet­ness,

of tears I can­not hide.

















Bring back the days of beau­ty

when you spoke to me of Love.

When morn­ing broke the mid­night,

and split the sky above.