

School Bus Cravings

School Bus Crav­ings.

See this emp­ty seat beside me?
I’m just sit­ting here,
hop­ing some sweet some­body will take it,
and talk to me; take me as a friend -
that’s what I want; it’s what I need!

Will you? Take it?
Take me on, and make me pret­ty,
Make me spe­cial; make me loved!
Will you some­how, love me, some­how touch me -
make a flower from a weed!

See this emp­ty seat beside me?
I know you can see -
there are oth­er seats besides this one.
but none that need fill­ing as much as this seat,
No one that needs a friend as much as me.

Won’t you? Take me?
Make me smile, and know I’m spe­cial -
take my heart; at least a part!
and some­how, teach me, some­how reach me -
help this hope­ful heart to heal.

Dan­ger­ous Mind.

A gift­ed child’s a hand­ful -
Hard­er still, when the gifts are great,
and the mind is full!